Chinese Lingnon School Watercolor Workshop With Jane Grace Taylor - The Art Stop LLC

Chinese Lingnon School Watercolor Workshop With Jane Grace Taylor

11/12/2017 2:00 pm - 11/12/2017 5:00 pm
The Art Stop LLC
Address: 1822 Penfield Road
Pine Trees and Birds, Landscape
Ages Teen to Adult
Cost: $40 without supplies & $50 with supplies
Date: Sunday February 24th 2:00-5:00 Subject: Chinese Landscape
The pine tree is an ancient subject, loved for its sinuosity, sturdiness, and venerable age(longevity). The symbolism which developed around it added meaning to its decorative qualities. It is associated with the Dragon, a primary symbol of the emperor ,and  also a symbol of the Yang (male)force and vital spirit the Chi -or spirit -of heaven, for those who took the last workshop, this will be an opportunity to explore foliage of this and other trees that can be added to landscapes .  
Jane grace Taylor MFA
  • Watercolors
  • Chinese brushes of various sizes
  • A white towel or felt that can get paint on it
  • Chinese ink
  • A spray bottle
  WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION  Chinese "Ling non" school watercolors This style encourages the student to paint freely and expressively.  The class is designed to help you work more spontaneously.  The "rice"or cotton paper used in the class is made to be brushed quickly.  You will learn techniques meant to make the maximum statement, with a minimum of brush strokes. Use colors /paper you have, or check materials list below: Chinese chip colors are available through oriental art supply, Holbein are the closest in tube colors. -A felt blanket , old linen tablecloth or towel   -Two water buckets -A palette for mixing colors -Small spray bottles for water and paint -I use sable brushes- small 6 medium 10-and large. Kosinski sable are best for western watercolor paper. -Water buckets -2 -Paper towels -I use Gemini, Fabriano or Waterford paper ,cold press 140  or 200 lb -Sumi e rice paper or double shuen (xuan) (oriental art supply Holbein colors work best:suggested colors Chinese White Chinese ink imidazolone lemon yellow Royal Blue quinocridone Red yellow ochre Burnt Sienna Vermillion viridian  Other Options Opera peacock blue compose green No.1 sap green mineral violet cobalt violet light raw sienna peach black

Materials List:

  • Sumi e rice paper or double shuen (oriental art supply) (The Art Stop) has a few rolls of sugi gama
  • -Water soluble Chinese ink ("The Art Stop" sells this in a bottle)
  • -Bamboo brushes ,small medium and large  -
  • newsprint-Any watercolors (EXCEPT Cotman -this paint often has weak pigment )
  • Any watercolors (EXCEPT Cotman – This is student-grade paint and you need artist grade). Chinese chip colors are available through Oriental Art Supply.
  • Meanwhile, Holbein are the closest in tube colors.
  • A felt blanket, an old linen tablecloth, or a white towel.
  • A palette for mixing colors
  • Two water buckets one for clean one for dirty water
  • Small spray bottle for water, one for paint