05/17/2025 9:30 am - 05/17/2025 4:30 pm
Instructor Paul Allen Taylor
May 17th 2025, 9:30-4:30
Cost $60
This class will cover the design and creation of a vignette painting in watercolor. The
vignette is an entertaining way of creating a painting not only for the painter but for
the viewer. Vignettes are thought to have some sparkle even though they look
un*nished. There are some basic rules to be applied and an understanding of some
brushwork, but the overall process is not complicated. Vignettes do not have a
center of interest so right away we don't have to worry about what the painting is
about. With an understanding of texture, color, and value, vignette paintings are
quite simple.
In the morning, Paul will explain in detail the important facets of this painting and
demonstrate the di/erent details to be considered. In the afternoon, the painting
begins while Paul leads you step by step to completion. Later, a brief evaluation of
the work done in class takes place.
This workshop will convert the church painting to a vignette using the principles
Materials List:
Watercolor supplies – Limited palette
WC PAPER: Arches 140 lb Cold Pressed. Two pieces 11 x 15. (1/2 sheet cut in half)
PAINT: Bring tubes of paint, not pans or dried out paint. This is most important. We will use
three colors.
Prussian Blue, Cadmium Red Light, Cad Yellow Medium
BRUSHES: FLATS: ½”, ¾”, 1”1-1/2” ROUNDS: 6, #8, #10. Also, a #4, Liner brush.
PALETTE: The better palette has a cover, and a generous mixing area. A white ceramic plate
will suffice foregoing a palette.
PAPER SUPPORT PANEL: 16” x 23”. Nonabsorbent. The best materials are Plexiglas or
sealed wood. Another option is a 16 x 23 painting panel for oils, no canvas.
CLIPS: Four (4) “Bulldog” clips or large stationary clips. No tape is necessary
- Paper towels
- Clean hand towel
- Cellulose sponge
- 2H pencil
- Soft eraser
- Two plastic water containers
- spritzer bottle
This list is meant to be a guide. If you have most of the items, choose only what is necessary.